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Laureandi - Call for Posters - ENCoRE Conference: The impact of Conservation-Restoration Education on the development of the Profession - Venaria, 23 May 2018 - Scadenza interna: 15 Feb 2018

Pubblicato: Martedì 19 dicembre 2017

I laureandi interessati a presentare Poster per la Conferenza ENCoRE (Venaria Reale, 23 Maggio 2018), sono invitati a presentare al propria proposta ENTRO IL 15 FEBBRAIO 2018 scrivendo a:

al fine di rendere possibile la selezione (per ogni ente sono previsti tre poster per gli studenti laureandi).

Per questa call "Consideration will be given to posters that demonstrate both the highest quality of student research and/or practical treatments, and the learning outcomes achieved by European conservationrestoration education programmes."

Further prerequisites:

  • The posters must be written in English. 
  • Posters should measure 100 x 70 cm and should not be mounted.
  • Printing and delivery will be the responsibility of the author(s)


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Ultimo aggiornamento: 19/12/2017 14:22

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