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Laureati - dalle Aziende: Offerte di lavoro e ricerca figure professionali - Storico anno 2015


JOB PLACEMENT Scuola di Scienze della Natura - Annunci di lavoro e stage extra-curricolari
Gli annunci di lavoro e di tirocinio extracurriculare (post-lauream) rivolti a studenti e laureati dell'Università degli Studi di Torino, pervenuti dalle imprese e dagli enti accreditati, sono consultabili su Job Placement on line dopo aver effettuato il log-in con le credenziali utilizzate per accedere su Unito.
Prima di proporre la candidatura, si consiglia di aggiornare il curriculum vitae su Job Placement on line.
Per ulteriori informazioni, si suggerisce di consultare la sezione del Portale di Ateneo dedicata ai servizi di Job Placement per studenti e laureati, al seguente link:
DIPARTIMENTO DI STUDI STORICIOpportunità di finanziamento


FRANCE - Offres d'emploi da sito INP - Institut National du Patrimoine

BELGIQUE - Offres d'emploi da sito KIKIRPA

UK Internships   da sito ICON - The Institute for Conservation


Fellowships da sito ICCROM

Opportunità di lavoro da sito ARCHEOMATICA - Tecnologie per i beni culturali 

Opportunità di lavoro da sito ICCROM - Employment 

Opportunità di lavoro da sito IIC-Jobs

Heritage Portal - Vacancies

Opportunità di lavoro da sito ALES Spa Arte Lavoro e Servizi

2015/23 - pubblicato il 11-17 dicembre 2015


SPAGNA - Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Historico - Oferta de estancia: Practica para Jovenes - scadenza 17/12/2015

SPAGNA - Fundacion Catedral de Santa Maria (Vitoria-Gasteiz)Convocatoria para la selección , mediante concurso de méritos, de un restaurador/a de piedra especialista en conservación del patrimonio edificado - scadenza 24/12/2015

IIC - NL Amsterdam - Pre-doctoral FellowshipThe Migelien Gerritzen Fellowship for conservation research - Contract for outstanding candidates working on the art and history of the Low Countries whose principal concern is object-based research. The aim of the programme is to train a new generation of museum professionals: inquisitive object-based specialists who will further develop understanding of art and history for the future. The focus of research should relate to the Rijksmuseum’s collection, and may encompass any of its varied holdings, including Netherlandish paintings, sculpture, decorative arts, prints, drawings, photography and historical artefacts - Application deadline 13 March 2016

ICCROM Employment - Norway, Oslo - Munch Museum - Paintings Conservator (1 year) - Application deadline: not specified



2015/22 - pubblicato il 3-4 dicembre 2015

COMUNE DI MONFALCONE (GO) - Bando per Incarico di alta specializzazione a tempo determinato: DIRETTORE SCIENTIFICO DEL FUTURO MUSEO DELLA CANTIERISTICA NAVALE E DELLA GALLERIA DI ARTE CONTEMPORANEA - scadenza 24/12/2015 ore 12.00

CNR - LECCE - Bando per Ricercatore a tempo determinato -  scadenza 31/12/2015

CNR - MONTEROTONDO - Incarico di collaborazione Codice: 2015/3879 - “Catalogazione di materiali, realizzazione di schede e elaborazione informatica dei dati relativi, nell'ambito dello scavo archeologico del sito di Althiburos, Tunisia – campagna studio materiali 2015 - CUP B76D15000300005” - scadenza 15/12/2015

CNR - MONTEROTONDO - Incarico di collaborazione Codice: 2015/3881 - “Disegno, studio e classificazione preliminare del materiale ceramico, con elaborazione informatica dei dati relativi, nell'ambito dello scavo archeologico del sito di Althiburos, Tunisia – campagna studio materiali 2015 - CUP B76D15000300005” - scadenza 15/12/2015

ICON - UK, Northampton - Conservation of Leather [and Collections Care], 12-month internship - Application deadline 6 Dec 2015

KIKIRPA - B, BruxellesRéserve d'Assistants scientifiques - conservateurs-restaurateurs de sculpture en pierre - Scadenza 16/12/2015

ICCROM Employment - UK, Lincoln CathedralStained Glass Glazier/Conservator - Application deadline 15 Dec 2015

ICCROM Employment - D, Monaco di Baviera, The Design MuseumObject Conservator - Application deadline 10 Dec 2015

ICCROM Employment - UK, Bristol, Textile Conservation LtdTextile Conservator - Application deadline 10 Dec 2015

ICCROM Internship - G, Creta, Aegean Prehistory Study Centre for East Crete (INSTAP-SCEC) - Internships (2 positions) - The 2016 internships will focus primarily on the treatment of archaeological ceramicsApplicants must be recent graduates of, or currently enrolled in, a conservation degree program - Application deadline 31 Jan 2016

ICCROM Internship - UK, Hampton Court, Kensington Palace and the Tower of LondonThe Open Palace Programme (Summer 2016) - Application deadline 31 Dec 2015



2015/21 - pubblicato il 9-19 novembre 2015

CNR - Firenze - Bando per n.1 Assegno di Ricerca Tematica: Realizzazione di protocolli per il monitoraggio del processo di pulitura di opere d'arte, standardizzazione e integrazione di dati diagnostici digitali; promozione della figura del diagnosta per rafforzare la coesione delle attività di ricerca nel settore della diagnostica dei beni culturali - scadenza : 30/11/2015

CNR - Tito Scalo (PZ) - Avviso per n. 1 Incarico di Collaborazione  - realizzazione di schede descrittive ed analitiche del patrimonio storico-artistico (dipinti e sculture lignee) del XVI e XVII sec esposto nelle Chiese di Calvera, nell'ambito dei Percorsi della Memoria - scadenza 30/11/2015

Università di Roma La Sapienza - Bando per n. 1 Assegno di Ricerca - Soluzioni ICT per la fruizione e l’esplorazione “aumentata” di Beni Culturali - scadenza 24 nov 2015

Accademia Belle Arti di Verona - Bando per incarichi di docenza - scadenza 16 nov 2015

IIC - USA, New YorkMetropolitan Museum of Art Fellowships - Deadline 4 dic 2015

IIC - USA, Los Angeles2016-2017 Getty Graduate Internship Program - Deadline 1 dic 2015

ICON Internship - UK, NorthamptonConservation of Leather [and Collections Care], 12-month internship - Application deadline 18 dec 2015


2015/20 - pubblicato il 28 ottobre-5 novembre 2015

CNR - Sesto Fiorentino (FI) - Bando per n.1 Assegno di Ricerca Tematica: Sviluppo di tecniche di pulitura laser di dipinti su tela e manufatti cartacei e di metodologie analitiche correlate, per la caratterizzazione materica, il controllo, la verifica e l'ottimizzazione del processo  - Codice Bando IFAC-004-2015-FI -  scadenza : 17/11/2015

IIC - NL, Amsterdam - RijksmuseumPhD in analytical methodology development for the study of oil paintings  e PhD in Analytical and Organic Chemistry on Cleaning of Modern Oil Paintings - Deadline 20 dec 2015

ICCROM Employment - UK, Cambridge - Fitzwilliam MuseumAssistant Conservator  - Fixed Term six month contract 1 January – 30 June 2016 As part of its bicentenary celebrations in 2016, the Fitzwilliam Museum will present a major exhibition ‘Death on the Nile: Uncovering the Afterlife of Ancient Egypt’ (23 February to 22 May 2016). Within the gallery there will be a ‘live’ conservation space, where visitors will be able to find out more about the examination, analysis and conservation of ancient Egyptian funerary material, can have a close look at examples and talk to a conservator about the objects and processes. You will help with the installation and de-installation of the exhibition - Deadline for application 18 NOV 2015

ICCROM Employment - UK, Cambridge - Fitzwilliam MuseumAssistant Conservator, Collections Care (Research Assistant) - Fixed Term contract until 31 March 2018 - The purpose of this role is to carry out and co-ordinate collections care activities in the Fitzwilliam Museum and to research and develop new techniques and strategies in preventive conservation. The role holder works primarily with the Collections Care Officer (Research Assistant) Fitzwilliam Museum/UCM in the Fitzwilliam Museum, but also assists that role by contributing to the assessment of needs and providing practical support across the 8 University of Cambridge Museums - Deadline for application: 25 NOV 2015

ICCROM Employment - UK, London - Historic Royal Palaces (HRP)Senior Textile Conservator - Application deadline 15 NOV 2015

CNR - Catania  IBAM Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali - Avvisi per il conferimento di incarichi di docenza  - scadenza 11 novembre 2015:

Codice: 2015/3433 | Data di pubblicazione: 28/10/2015 | Data di scadenza: 11/11/2015
Sede di lavoro:
Numero contratti da assegnare: 1
attività di docenza, connessa alle attività di ricerca del Laboratorio di Archeologia “ROMA – Roman baths archaeological, conservation and heritage management”, nella seguente tematica: “Studi e ricerche sulla cultura materiale di età romana con particolare riguardo alle ceramiche a pareti sottili di Sagalassos (Turchia)”.
Codice: 2015/3435 | Data di pubblicazione: 28/10/2015 | Data di scadenza: 11/11/2015
Sede di lavoro:
Numero contratti da assegnare: 1
attività di docenza, connessa alle attività di ricerca del Laboratorio di Archeologia “ROMA – Roman baths archaeological, conservation and heritage management”, nella seguente tematica: “Produzione e disseminazione di contenuti legati alle attività di ricerca scientifica sul patrimonio archeologico di Sagalassos (Turchia) ottimizzati in funzione delle diverse strategie di comunicazione del web 2.0”
Codice: 2015/3436 | Data di pubblicazione: 28/10/2015 | Data di scadenza: 11/11/2015
Sede di lavoro:
Numero contratti da assegnare: 1
attività di docenza, connessa alle attività di ricerca del Laboratorio di Archeologia “ROMA – Roman baths archaeological, conservation and heritage management”, nella seguente tematica: “Metodologie e strumenti per lo sviluppo di applicazioni web per la gestione e implementazione di Database PostgreSQL e MySQL e di creazione e sviluppo di applicazioni mobile e di realtà aumentata a supporto del patrimonio archeologico di Sagalassos”.
Codice: 2015/3437 | Data di pubblicazione: 28/10/2015 | Data di scadenza: 11/11/2015
Sede di lavoro:
Numero contratti da assegnare: 1
attività di docenza, connessa alle attività di ricerca del Laboratorio di Archeologia “ROMA – Roman baths archaeological, conservation and heritage management”, nella seguente tematica: “Studi e ricerche sull’archeologia e la cultura del vino di età romana con particolare riferimento all’Asia Minore e a Sagalassos (Turchia)”.



2015/19 - pubblicato il 16-23 ottobre 2015

Finanziamenti - Bando “MIUR-DAAD Joint Mobility Program” Riparte la cooperazione per mobilità interuniversitaria tra Italia e Germania (anche a favore di laureati - valido per tutti gli ambiti disciplinari) - Scadenza 19 novembre 2015

MIBACT - Bando di Gara LAVORI DI RECUPERO E VALORIZZAZIONE DELL’AREA ARCHEOLOGICA DELLA TOMBA DELLA MEDUSA AD ARPI (FG) - L’appalto avrà ad oggetto : - Lavori di restauro e recupero - Opere impiantistiche - Sistemazione a verde - Scadenza 23 novembre 2015

 MIBACT - Bando di Gara - LAVORI DI RECUPERO E VALORIZZAZIONE DEL PARCO ARCHEOLOGICO DI MONTE SANNACE IN GIOIA DEL COLLE (BA) - L’appalto avrà ad oggetto : - Lavori di restauro e recupero - Scavi archeologici - Opere impiantistiche - Scadenza 23 novembre 2015

Università degli Studi Ca' Foscari Venezia - Bando per n. 1 Assegno di Ricerca annuale cofinanziato da una azienda privata, mirato allo sviluppo di tecniche di indagine diagnostica non invasive per il settore dei Beni Culturali, quali FTIR, Raman, FORS e fotografia multispettrale, per la determinazione dei materiali costituenti e per la valutazione dello stato di conservazione di manufatti storico-artistici quali dipinti, affreschi, superfici architettoniche, vetri e materiali cartacei, e sullo sviluppo di un protocollo integrato di indagine diagnostica non invasiva - scadenza 6 novembre 2015

INP - USA,New York - Rochester Institute of Technology - Preventive Conservation Specialist : will provide information and guidance to a range of cultural institutions on preventive conservation, the role of environment in preservation, and best practices for sustainable environmental management through a variety of consulting, outreach (teaching and publication), research, and technical support activities - Deadline not specified

INP - USA, New York -  Solomon R. Guggenheim FoundationAssistant/Associate Paintings Conservator  for a three-year project. As a member of the Conservation Department, the Assistant/Associate Paintings Conservator is responsible for the care and preservation of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum’s paintings collection. Work is primarily related to the conservation of paintings, however, the candidate should have a reasonable comfort level to supervise complex installations and 3-dimensional objects. This position requires significant travel related to an active loan and exhibition program - Deadline not specified.

KIKIRPA - Bruxelles, Belgique - Assistants scientifiques–Conservateurs-restaurateurs de peintures murales (h/f) - Au sein de l’atelier des peintures murales, nous souhaitons constituer une nouvelle réserve de collaborateurs pour renforcer l’équipe de l’atelier en fonction des projets et besoins de l’atelier. Cette réserve sera valable pendant 2 ans. Pendant cette période, les conservateurs-restaurateurs faisant partie de la réserve pourront être appelés à collaborer sur des travaux de conservationrestauration de peintures murales. Ils seront sélectionnés en fonction des qualités et de l’expérience requises pour le projet en question - Deadline 30 Oct 2015

ICCROM Employment - UK, Sudbory Suffolk - May Berkouwer Textile Conservation - Textile Conservator - Application deadline 10 Nov2015

ICCROM Internship - UK - The National Trust - Preventative Conservation Internship - Application deadline 4 Nov 2015



2015/18 - pubblicato il 9 ottobre 2015

Università di Firenze - Bando "Giovani Ricercatori Protagonisti" - n. 8 Assegni di Ricerca di durata biennale - Tra le tematiche: Beni culturali: conservazione, restauro, datazione e fruibilità - Info  Bando-  Scadenza: 3 novembre 2015

IIC - UK, Swansea, Wales - Conservation & Collections Officer - Employer: Glynn Vivian Art Gallerythe purpose of the post is to undertake conservation either in the specialism of easel paintings/or works on paper, and to manage preventative conservation for the collection as a whole, whilst assisting the gallery team with conservation planning for our future programmes - Deadline 23 October 2015

IIC - UK, LONDON - Junior Clothworkers’ Foundation Fellow -  employer:  Courtauld Institute of ArtThe successful candidate will hold a recognised postgraduate qualification in painting conservation, with significant practical experience, preferably including work in a museum. The successful candidate will be required to supervise and undertake practical studio and site work and to deliver lectures and seminars - Deadline 29 October 2015

IIC - USA, LOS ANGELES - 2016-2017 Getty Graduate Internship Program Training and work experience placements are available in areas such as curatorial, education, conservation, research, publications, information management, public programs, and grantmaking - Deadline 1 December 2015

INP - France, Paris - Centre Pompidou - Restaurateur d'oeuvres d'art-Sculptures H/F - Scadenza non indicata

ICCROM Employment - Netherlands, Amsterdam - University of Amsterdam - Full Professor in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage - Deadline  1 November 2015

ICCROM Employment - UK, Taunton, Gloucestershire and Devon - Abigail Chandler, Marketing Manager -  Stone conservators, masons, lime plasterers - Deadline (not specified)



2015/17 - pubblicato il 24-25 settembre 2015

MiBACT - Bando per qualifica Restauratori - FAQ 

MiBACT - Bandi per Tirocini Formativi per 130 giovani - scadenza 22 ottobre 2015 - pubblicati, in data 22 settembre 2015, sul sito istituzionale del Ministero dei benie delle attivita' culturali e del turismo «Amministrazione trasparente - Sottocategoria Programmi formativi» ibandi di selezione per l'attivazione di tirocini formativi e di orientamento per 130 giovani fino a ventinove anni di eta', che saranno utilizzati per la realizzazione di progetti specifici, finalizzati a sostenere attivita' di tutela, fruizione e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale.  -     In particolare le strutture interessate sono le seguenti:      a) Soprintendenza speciale per Pompei, Ercolano e Stabia;       b) Poli museali regionali presenti sul territorio nazionale e direzione generale Musei;       c) Archivio centrale dello Stato, Istituto centrale per gli Archivi, le soprintendenze archivistiche e gli archivi di Stato presenti sul territorio nazionale, nonche' le Biblioteche nazionali di Roma e Firenze e le biblioteche statali.  - Per visualizzare il bando 1 clicca qui       - Per visualizzare il progetto formativo Soprintendenza speciale per i beni archeologici di Pompei Ercolano e Stabia - Bando n.1 clicca qui        - Per visualizzare il bando 2 completo clicca qui      - Per visualizzare il Progetti formativi Poli Museali e Direzione Generale Musei - Bando n.2 clicca qui      - Per visualizzare il bando completo clicca qui  - Per visualizzare il Progetti formativi Archivi di Stato e Soprintendenze archivistiche - Bando n.3 clicca qui - Per visualizzare il Progetti formativi Biblioteche Nazionali Centrali di  Roma e Firenze e biblioteche Statali - Bando n. 3 clicca qui

INP - PARIS FRANCE - Centre Georges Pompidou - Restaurateur d'oeuvres d'art-sculpture - scadenza non indicata

ICCROM FELLOWSHIP - University of Oslo, Norway - The Museum of Cultural History (KHM), University of Oslo invites applications for a two year postdoctoral research fellowship in the project Saving Oseberg. The museum houses the extensive and highly valued Oseberg collection which represents one of the most comprehensive collections of Viking Age wooden objects in the world.The artefacts are severely threatened by a slow but on-going deterioration process caused by a conservation treatment applied one hundred years ago. In addition, the artefacts are restored to such a degree, that undoing or removing these treatments would irreversibly damage the artefacts. In order to develop a preservation strategy for these highly complex and degraded artefacts, the museum launched the research project Saving Oseberg.Within the framework of Saving Oseberg, the postdoctor will test and evaluate conservation materials and develop testing protocols.Conservation materials include consolidants as well as agents used to inactivate harmful ions and to control pH value. The project will cover characterisation of the wood before and after treatments, using a variety of analytical methods, imaging techniques and mechanical tests. Aging experiments under various conditions willbe performed. The complexity of the objects and the fact, that many of them are covered with coatings, makes extensive application studies necessary.The position is for a period of two years and should start by december 2015. 


2015/16 - pubblicato il 14 settembre 2015

FONDAZIONE CON IL SUD - Il Bando “Brains2South” è promosso dalla Fondazione CON IL SUD ed è rivolto a ricercatori italiani e stranieri che svolgono la propria attività all’estero o in Italia (al di fuori delle regioni Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sardegna e Sicilia). Obiettivo dell’iniziativa è “attrarre” giovani eccellenze nei centri di ricerca e nei dipartimenti universitari del Sud, nell’ottica di rafforzare i legami con il resto del mondo e come opportunità per sviluppare e potenziare carriere indipendenti. A disposizione 3,5 milioni di euro. La novità di quest’anno è che saranno direttamente i ricercatori, con esperienza nei settori scientifico e tecnologico, a proporre progetti di ricerca applicata (anche di 4 anni), indicando una o più host institution in Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia Sardegna, Sicilia presso cui potrebbero essere sviluppati. La Fondazione sosterrà progetti di ricerca scientifica applicata, dalla forte valenza innovativa, capaci di individuare soluzioni pratiche e specifiche in campo tecnologico, energetico, manifatturiero, nanotecnologico, ICT, agroalimentare, biomedico, farmaceutico, diagnostico, nello studio e conservazione dei beni culturali o ambientali - Approfondimenti e Bando -Il bando scade il 7 ottobre 2015.



2015/15 -pubblicato il 1-11 settembre 2015 

ICCROM INTERNSHIP - England - The Open Palace Programme - HRP, BPT, SPT, United Kingdom - More info: URL - Description An Outstanding ‘once in a lifetime’ Career Opportunity for Summer 2016. The Open Palace Programme offers you the chance to: Step behind the scenes at some of the most significant palaces and mansions in the UK including Hampton Court, Kensington Palace and the Tower of London - Learn from the palace professionals how to conserve, present and interpret sites and collections - Take part in hands on activities tackling real challenges alongside the experts-  Immerse yourself in history where it happened - Handle fascinating historical artefacts and records - Gain invaluable experience and contacts for your resume - Benefit from bespoke careers advice - Visit and stay in some of the most delightful historic parts of England including Bath,Brighton,London, Stowe, Windsor and Buckingham - These experiences provide a richness and diversity with which few individual placements or internships can compare. Places are offered to candidates who send appropriate applications on a ‘first come,first served’ basis.This year we are delighted to have achieved up to 4 OPP Bursaries of £500 each. Details of these bursaries are now available on our website. Application deadline: 31 December 2015

ICCROM INTERNSHIP - Ottawa, Canada - Canadian Conservation Institute Stream 1: Conservation of Textiles -  Stream 2: Conservation of Fine Arts (Paintings) - Stream3: Conservation of Furniture and Decorative Art (wood-based) - Application Deadline: 30 September 2015

IIC - AMSTERDAM RIJKSMUSEUMMetal Conservator  the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is the National Museum of the Netherlands. Its collection includes 1.1 million works of art and objects from the Netherlands, European and Asian countries, spanning the period from the Middle Ages up to the 21th century. The Metal Conservation Studio, which is part of the Conservation and Scientific Research Department, is currently seeking a Metal Conservator, 36 hours a week, for a period of 4 years. In general terms, the conservator is responsible for the conservation and maintenance of objects in the collection in such a way that they remain of the desired quality now and in the future. - Application deadline: 2 Oct 2015

MiBACT - Decreto Criteri e modalità di accesso al "Fondo mille giovani per la cultura per l'anno 2015 (Soprintendenza speciale per Pompei, Ercolaneo e Stabia: 30 giovani - Poli museali regionali sul territorio nazionale e Direzione generale Musei: 45+5 giovani) - seguiranno bandi di selezione

N.B. Per l'equiparazione fra la laurea triennale classe 41 e la classe L-43, si veda il D.MIUR 9/7/2009, allegato in forndo al presente documento - Per l'equiparazione dei Diplomi ISCR e OPD  (a decorrere da A.A.  2011/12) alla laurea magistrale a ciclo unico abilitanteclasse LMR2  si veda:

CLICLAVORO - Maw Men at Work Spa filiale di Conegliano seleziona STAGISTA RESTAURATORE per studio della provincia di Treviso - Scadenza 30 ottobre 2015

Confartigianato Imprese di Viterbo:  Bando Imprenditoria femminile - È stato pubblicato da Confartigianato imprese di Viterbo il bando rivolto all’imprenditoria femminile per contributi fino al 70% delle spese sostenute da aziende a titolarità femminile. Il bando è rivolto alle Pmi anche in forma individuale, società di professionisti, costituite o da costituirsi entro 30 giorni dalla data di concessione del finanziamento, aventi una donna o donne, titolari dell’impresa, quote societarie pari al 51%, socie di cooperative al 60%. li interventi ammissibili riguardano lo sviluppo di prodotti/soluzioni/servizi innovativi coerenti con le aree di specializzazione previste dalla “Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) Regione Lazio”: Aerospazio; Scienze della vita; Beni culturali e tecnologie della cultura; Agrifood; Industrie creative digitali; Green Economy; Sicurezza. Sono, altresì, agevolabili i progetti trasversali alle suddette aree di specializzazione che riguardino prodotti/soluzioni/servizi innovativi attinenti alla Social Innovation, presentando soluzioni tecnologiche che affrontino problemi dovuti al cambiamento della società per favorire una “società inclusiva, innovativa e consapevole” promossa da Europa 2020 e declinata in Horizon 2020. I progetti proposti dovranno dare evidenza dell’adozione di tecnologie digitali e/o soluzioni tecnologiche consolidate che permettano di elaborare, memorizzare/archiviare dati, anche in modalità multilingua, utilizzando risorse hardware/software distribuite o virtualizzate in rete in un’architettura di cloud computing, quali ad esempio: realtà aumentata, wearable wireless devices e body area network, software di modellazione 3D, stampa 3D, (sono comprese nei sistemi di fabbricazione digitale) text e data mining, micro-nano elettronica, IoT (Internet of Things), piattaforme di erogazione servizi, internet e web 2.0, social media, eCommerce, eSupply Chain, GIS (Geographic Information System), mappe e cartografia, new media, editoria digitale, piattaforme per la condivisione ed il riuso di contenuti, sistemi di tracciabilità per l’autenticazione di prodotti e l’ottimizzazione di processi logistici - Dettagli - Candidature dal 7 settembre al 15 ottobre 2015




2015/14 - pubblicato il 21-29 luglio 2015

ICCROM INTERNSHIP -KSH&Co Ltd, United Kingdom - Internship in the conservation of easel and monumental paintings - Deadline 7 August 2015

KIKIRPA - BRUXELLES (B) - L’atelier des sculptures en bois polychromé souhaite constituer une réserve d’assistants scientifiques – conservateurs-restaurateurs de sculptures en bois polychromé. Plus d’infos. Date limite de candidature : 21 août 2015. 


Archeomatica - Finanziamenti - Concorso per soli titoli, per l’assegnazione di quattro Borse di ricerca finanziate dal Cerafri-Lav s.c.r.l. con il contributo dell’Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze per le attività di ricerca del Comitato Firenze 2016 che ha come scopo la realizzazione di progetti a carattere scientifico, museale e di comunicazione in occasione del cinquantennale dell’alluvione di Firenze. Ciascuna borsa della durata di 10 mesi è pari a 12.500,00 (dodicimilacinquecento) Euro lordi. Tra i progetti: Ricostruzione delle dinamiche di sviluppo nel settore del restauro dei beni culturali a seguito dell’alluvione di Firenze del 1966. Struttura ospitante: Opificio delle Pietre Dure. - Scadenza 6 agosto 2015

MIUR - Finaziamenti - Bando pubblico per la concessione del contributo triennale destinato al funzionamento di enti, strutture scientifiche, fondazioni e consorzi TRIENNIO 2015-2017 destinato a soggetti che, per prioritarie finalità statutarie, siano impegnati nella diffusione della cultura scientifica e nella valorizzazione del patrimonio storico-scientifico - Scadenza ore 15.00 del 6 agosto 2015

Archeomatica - Finanziamenti - Bando per progetti di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica Italia-Usa 2016-2017 - Tra le aree: Tecnologie applicate al Patrimonio Culturale e Naturale - scadenza 14 agosto 2015



2015/13 - pubblicato il 5-16 luglio 2015

ICCROM Employment - Amsterdam NL - Rijksmuseum - Junior Conservator of Furniture - application deadline 2 August 2015

ICCROM Employment - Luxor, Egypt - American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) - Project Conservator Supervisor (stone, plaster and wall painting - application deadline 31 Jul 2015

ICCROM Fellowship  - Oslo, Norway - University of Oslo - Postdoctoral fellowship in wood conservation - The position is for a period of two years and should start by december 2015.

MUSEO DEL PRADO - Madrid, ES -  n. 2 Becas (borse) Restauracion de Pintura - scadenza 30 luglio 2015

Accademia Belle Arti Verona - Bando per docenze esterne - scadenza 17 luglio 2015  (prorogata al 24 luglio 2015)



2015/12 - pubblicato il 11 giugno-2 luglio 2015

Comune di Ferrara - Concorso per 1 dirigente beni e attivita' culturali a tempo determinato DIRIGENTE DEL SERVIZIO GALLERIE D'ARTE MODERNA E CONTEMPORANEA - Bando e domanda - Scadenza 20 luglio 2015

IIC - Cambridge UK - University of Cambridge - Fitzwilliam Museum – Hamilton Kerr Institute - Assistant to the Director / Senior Paintings Conservator -  deadline 16 July 2015

ICCROM Employment - Malta - Atelier del RestauroConservator-Restorer of Paintings and Polychrome Sculptures - Deadline 15 July 2015

ICCROM Employment - London UK - Victoria and Albert Museum - Sculpture Conservator - Deadline 5 July 2015

Finanziamento MiBACT - Bando per contributi a progetti e iniziative relativi al patrimonio storico della Prima Guerra Mondiale (tra cui il restauro) - Scadenza 15 luglio 2015



2015/11 - pubblicato il 9-10 giugno 2015

CNR - SESTO FIORENTINO - Avviso per incarico professionale - Oggetto:-Caratterizzazione di specie metalliche in legni di riferimento per il controllo dello stato di conservazione di legni architettonici. -Caratterizzazione di specie metalliche in legni hardwood e softwood da usare come riferimenti per la identificazione di specie lignee. - Scadenza 22 giugno 2015

CNR - ROMA - Bando per 2 Assegni Professionalizzanti - Tematica di Ricerca:  Applicazione di metodologie di indagine geofisica, con particolare riferimento alle tomografie geoelettriche, in contesti di interesse archeologico. Elaborazione ed interpretazione dei dati in chiave archeologica - Scadenza 30 giugno 2015

ICCROM EMployment  KOPAVOGUR, ICELAND, National Museum of Iceland -  Archaeological conservator - More info: URL - Description The National Museum of Iceland is soliciting applicants in archaeological conservation to join the Conservation Department for a period of 24 months or longer. Responsibilities: Treatment of archaeological finds including iron, copper alloy, ceramic, glass, leather, bone and wood. The conservator will be part of the Research and Collections Division, but work closely with the leader of the Conservation Department. Other activities: Active and passive conservation of museum collection including cleaning, packing, recording, investigating, stabilisation, organisation and documentation of objects. Preparation of exhibitions, monitoring, consulting for other museums Continue reading… - Deadline 15 June 2015

ICCROM Employment - LONDON UK, Victoria and Albert Museum -  Furniture Conservator More info: URL - Description Permanent position, part-time - UKP25,763 – 30,965 pro rata (14.5 hours per week)- The V&A is the world’s leading museum of art and design. We enrich people’s lives by promoting the practice of design and increasing knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of the designed world. The V&A is seeking a furniture conservator to undertake a broad range of practical work on furniture objects from the V&A’s collections.The successful candidate will have completed a recognised conservation training programme and gained excellent practical skills. The ability to quickly and accurately assess condition, estimate treatment times, prepare treatment proposals, deliver conservation treatments and documentation, often to tight deadlines, is also essential.Continue reading… - Application deadline 24 June 2015

ICCROM Internship - Icon – the Institute of Conservation, United Kingdom More info: URL - Description Icon, the Institute of Conservation is pleased to announce a new internship of 12 months beginning in October 2015. This is funded by National Trust for Scotland /Bute Memorial Fund. This is a preventive conservation internship hosted by National Trust for Scotland and based in Glasgow. Applicants must be able to demonstrate eligibility to live and work in the UK for the duration of this placement. Please apply using the application form on the Icon website only. Interviews will be held the week of 20 July 2015 - Application deadline 21 June 2015

ICCROM Internship - Vatican Museums, Holy See Location of Internship: Vatican City Description - The Ethnological Materials Laboratory developed a project that, during the next years, will propose the study of some themes related to its work, in close collaboration with the D. L. C. R. (Diagnostic Laboratory for Conservation and Restoration) and the other Conservation Laboratories of the Vatican Museums. The aim of the internship is to start a study program for training professionals specialized in the conservation of the different typologies of ethnographic and multi-material artworks. The internship intends to promote debate and intercultural communication and stimulate the reflection between representatives of different Institutions. Between 2015 and 2016, the Laboratory will focus its activities on the study and the development of conservative practices and approaches applied to oriental lacquers. Continue reading…

INP - Restaurateur/Restauratrice du patrimoine - Centre Franco-Egyptien d'étude des temples à Louqsor (EGYPTE) - scadenza non indicata



2015/10 - pubblicato il 26-27 maggio 2015

CNR - Napoli: Istituto di Scienze Applicate e Sistemi Intelligenti 'E. Caianiello' - N. 1 Assegno Professionalizzante durata 1 anno sulla tematica 'Studio sullo stato di conservazione e della valenza storico-artistica di manufatti artistici e di interesse archeologico, per la definizione della loro utilizzabilità nelle tecniche olografiche per la diagnostica non distruttiva e per la visualizzazione di oggetti 3D. Documentazione grafica, fotografica e video attinente' - Colloqui 18 giugno 2015 - Scadenza bando 12 giugno 2015

ICCROM Internship - Guildhall Art Gallery, London UK - Frames Conservation Internships - see more... - Application Deadline 29 June 2015

ICCROM Fellowship - Philadelphia Museum of Art - USA -  Mellon Postgraduate Fellowship in the conservation of furniture and woodwork beginning on August 1, 2015 and ending on October 30, 2017. The applicant should be a graduate of a recognized conservation training program or have equivalent experience. Work will include technical examination, treatment, research, and preservation activities on European, American, and Asian furniture and architectural woodwork in the Museum’s collections - See more... - Application deadline 15 June 2015

ICCROM Employment - British Museum, London UK - The Department of Conservation and Scientific Research is looking to recruit a senior Conservator who will be an authority on Japanese scroll-mounting at the British Museum and who will contribute to the care and conservation of the British Museum’s collection of Eastern Pictorial Art on paper and silk. Key areas of responsibility: To be the leading expert in the conservation and mounting of Japanese scrolls in the Hirayama Studio–the only studio of its kind in Europe - To contribute to permanent and temporary exhibitions, loans, storage projects and curatorial/conservation and scientific research of Japanese paintings - To be instrumental in the development of the work programme and to work effectively with conservators from Japan, as part of the collaborative project between the British Museum and the Association for Conservation of National Treasures of Japan - To lead regular liaison with the National Treasures status conservation studios in Japan as well as counterpart studios in the West - To build and maintain contacts with specialist makers and suppliers of materials in Japan and to arrange purchases to maintain studio stocks - To evaluate the suitability of objects for display and loans (in collaboration with curatorial staff) and to develop appropriate conservation programmes - See more... - Application Deadline: 11 June 2015

ICON - Edinburgh UK  -  National Trust for Scotland - Preventive Conservation  Internship - 12 months Internship, October 2015 – September 2016 Working out of Greenbank House, Flenders Road, Clarkston, Glasgow G76 8RB. Supervisor: Suzanne Reid, Conservator West. Educational Stipend: £17,000, plus dedicated study visit fund  - This graduate internship is hosted by the National Trust for Scotland (NTS), supported by the Trust’s Bute Memorial Fund and managed in partnership with Icon. NTS is the leading conservation charity in Scotland, with an extensive portfolio of built heritage sites, from castles and country houses to cottages; working historic environments and modern museum facilities. Our collections are on open display within these properties, and their care is the responsibility of Collections Conservation Services. We base our work on a collaborative approach rooted in strategy, preventive conservation principles and practice. The NTS Bute/Icon internship is an exceptional opportunity to gain experience of caring for collections in their context; and of project planning, and delivery. The intern will work with NTS conservators to advice on the care and protection of historic interior surfaces and collections and will liaise with property staff and heritage volunteers as well as other specialist advisers within the Trust. They will help to deliver a wide range of collections care and preventive conservation activities (light management, IPM, environmental monitoring and control etc). An important and stimulating part of the internship will be to help with conservation training events for Trust staff and volunteers, and the popular “Conservation Live” engagement activities for Trust visitors, donors, and supporters. . The Bute/Icon intern will play an active part in conservation projects and activities in a dedicated portfolio of properties in the Glasgow area (Pollok House, Tenement House, Museum of Rural Life at Kittochside, Greenbank House, Holmwood House) and also input into some of the larger Focus Property Projects (Charles Rennie Mackintosh’s Hill House, and Brodick Castle on the isle of Arran) to gain invaluable experience of major project work and pan-disciplinary working on a large scale. Opportunities for assisting in the supervision of film shoots may also arise. Overnight stays in various parts of Scotland should be anticipated, and will be funded separately by the Trust. A full driving licence and vehicle are therefore essential. Applicants need a graduate-level qualification in conservation and will actively be seeking a career in preventive conservation. They will relish working in Scotland, and be a highly- motivated, reliable and resourceful individual with outstanding inter-personal skills. Strong IT and sound personal organisational skills are essential, as well as an ability to work at heights. Please apply using the application form on the Icon website only - See more... -  Interviews in the week commencing 20 July 2015 - Closing date Midnight 21 June 2015

IIC -  London UK - Courtauld Institute of Art - Contract type: Full-time Contract  - Maximum fellowship period: 9 months - Salary range: from £29,191 pa pro rata to £55,382 pa pro rata, depending on knowledge and skills - The Courtauld together with the Trustees of the Caroline Villers Research Fellowship, has established a Research Fellowship in memory of Caroline Villers. The purpose of the Fellowship is to promote research in the interdisciplinary field of Technical Art History: the application of technical, scientific and/or historical methods, together with close observation, to the study of the physical nature of the work of art in relation to issues of making, change, conservation and/or display. Research proposals for the Fellowship will be welcomed from researchers and practitioners from diverse disciplines that relate to the study and conservation of works of art. The Fellowship is not intended to provide funding for any part of a PhD thesis. The length of project and level of funding will depend on the candidate, their availability and their research proposal. The Fellowship is also open to applicants in permanent employment wishing to take leave of absence to work on a project. The maximum period of tenure will be 9 months, but requests for shorter projects will also be considered. The Fellow will be based at the Courtauld Institute of Art although collaborations with other institutions will be encouraged. The post holder will also be awarded the title of Associate Scholar in the Courtauld Research Forum. The salary scale will be negotiable in line with The Courtauld’s Terms and Conditions, and commensurate with the experience of the successful applicant. Applicants should hold a post-graduate qualification. Applicants are asked to submit (1) a completed application form including a research proposal; (2) three letters of reference; and (3) equal opportunities monitoring form. For further details and an application form please visit the Courtauld website Please note that CVs alone will not be accepted. All applicants must complete an application pack. - Interview date 21 July 2015 -  Application deadline: Thursday, 4 June, 2015 - 12:00


2015/09 - pubblicato il 12 maggio 2015

ICCROM Employment - Historic Royal Palaces, United Kingdom Job location: Hampton Court Palace - Textile Treatment Conservator - More info: URL - Description Temporary – Six months Full time Based at Hampton Court Palace - Having attended a recognised textile conservation training programme (or equivalent), you’ll have an in-depth understanding of the techniques involved in conservation treatments and you’ll have the ability to take on complex hands-on treatment projects individually or as a team member as required in our textile treatment teams of Tapestry and Costume and General Textiles. You will also be keen to contribute to our explaining activities. You will be part of a team and report to the Treatment Conservation Supervisor. Working with extremely fragile objects, both in the studio and within the palaces, you must be able to work at heights.  Pay Range: UKP 24,966.00 pro rata. Application deadline 17 May 2015

ICON Internship - Bowes Museum UK  - IIP1501- Paintings Conservation - Bowes Museum -     Placement Description    Interviews will be held   the week of 3rd August, with start date 19th Oct 2015 - Closing date: 12 noon on 19th June 2015.

ICON Internship -  Bowes Museum UK -  IIP1502 - Textiles Conservation - Bowes Museum -     Placement Description -    Interviews will be held   the week of 3rd August, with start date 19th Oct 2015 - Closing date: 12 noon on 19th June 2015. 

ICON Internship  - Bowes Museum UK - IIP1503 - Textiles Conservation -     Placement Description   -   Interviews will be held   the week of 3rd August, with start date 19th Oct 2015 - Closing date: 12 noon on 19th June 2015.

IIC - BODO (NORWAY) - Objects Conservator, Norwegian Aviation Museum- The Norwegian Aviation Museum is Norway’s national museum of aviation history and in charge of Aviation History Society Norway.The museum is located in Bodø. It opened in 1994, and has annually 45,000 visitors. The museum is involved in research, publication, collection, conservation and restoration, and is widely recognised both nationally and internationally. The museum’s collection consists of 18,000 artefacts, including 34 aircraft, in addition to archives, photographs and other documentation. The museum is in a very exciting development process for the future. We wish to expand and develop our high-quality collections and make them more available and interesting to a broader audience, and we are looking for candidates who show dedication and enthusiasm for this kind of approach. An objects conservator is responsible for the museum’s management of aircraft and other types of objects. The work is carried out in collaboration with the museum’s staff and museum volunteers, other museums in Norway and abroad. Application deadline: 18 May 2015



2015/08 - pubblicato il 29 aprile 2015

ALES Spa ricerca n. 5 Esperti nel restauro di materiali lapidei, musivi e derivati e superfici decorate dell’architettura - Sede lavoro: POMPEI - Contratto a Tempo Determinato -Garantire la conservazione e la fruibilità nel tempo delle superfici decorate dell’architettura e dei materiali lapidei, musivi e derivati. Analizzare lo stato e le condizioni di conservazione di tali manufatti, individuando lo stato e le cause del deterioramento; programmare gli interventi necessari a contrastare i processi di deterioramento, realizzare gli interventi di restauro nel rispetto della collocazione storica e artistica dei manufatti, documentare gli interventi effettuati.- Candidature attraverso il sito - Scadenza 05 maggio 2015



2015/07 - pubblicato il 16 aprile 2015 

INP - PARIS   Responsable technique – Restaurateur d’oeuvres technologiques et industrielles  Centre National d'Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou - scadenza non precisata - inizio attività 01/05/2015

ICCROM INTERNSHIP - Città del Vaticano, Musei Vaticani - The Ethnological Materials Laboratory developed a project that, during the next years, will propose the study of some themes related to its work, in close collaboration with the D. L. C. R. (Diagnostic Laboratory for Conservation and Restoration) and the other Conservation Laboratories of the Vatican Museums. The aim of the internship is to start a study program for training professionals specialized in the conservation of the different typologies of ethnographic and multi-material artworks. The internship intends to promote debate and intercultural communication and stimulate the reflection between representatives of different Institutions. Between 2015 and 2016, the Laboratory will focus its activities on the study and the development of conservative practices and approaches applied to oriental lacquers. Every year the Laboratory will accept, for two sessions of six months (from January to June and from July to August), two graduated interns who have studied conservation and protection/care of cultural heritage. Interns will take turns during the year 2015/2016: there will only be one intern each half-year session. During the six-month sessions, each participant will be able to take part in an ongoing work of the laboratory and develop a theoretical and practical research on the internship’s topic. He will actively participate in conferences and interdisciplinary exchanges promoted by Vatican Museums. The training program will include: Deep study of the constituent materials and realization techniques of the artifacts from different geo-cultural areas, preserved at the Ethnological Museum; Collaboration with the D. L. C. R. for diagnostic investigations made with advanced methodologies; Planning of the conservation project steps; Critical analysis, through comparison of Oriental and Western approaches to conservation of lacquer. The internship will follow the rules of the agreement drawn up by the Vatican Museums Directorate: it will be unpaid and will not include any possibility of employment in the Vatican Museums. The names of the internship candidates, along with an application request and the CV, can be submit to the following email addresses: and in Cc to The Laboratory reserves the right to select candidates according to their curricular experiences.




2015/06 - Pubblicato il 31/03-01/04/2015

ALES Spa ricerca n. 5 Esperti nel restauro di materiali lapidei, musivi e derivati e superfici decorate dell’architettura - Sede lavoro: POMPEI - Contratto a Tempo Determinato - Garantire la conservazione e la fruibilità nel tempo delle superfici decorate dell’architettura e dei materiali lapidei, musivi e derivati. Analizzare lo stato e le condizioni di conservazione di tali manufatti, individuando lo stato e le cause del deterioramento; programmare gli interventi necessari a contrastare i processi di deterioramento; realizzare gli interventi di restauro nel rispetto della collocazione storica e artistica dei manufatti; documentare gli interventi effettuati - Candidature attraverso il sito - Scadenza 08 aprile 2015

HERITAGE PORTAL -  London, Victoria & Albert Museum - Position: Head of Furniture Conservation StudioContract: Full time, Permanent- Salary: £36,546-43,929 (UKP) - The successful candidate will have a recognised qualification in conservation and at least five years post-graduation experience. They will demonstrate an ability to plan, prioritise and manage work, staff and other resources to deliver the Public Programme and collections care and negotiate with other museum colleagues the resource availability for projects. They will provide a professional lead for the team developing skills, materials and techniques required for the future and contributing to the wider V&A strategic objectives. The successful candidate will also be required to undertake high level practical conservation of furniture collections at the V&A. See more... - Interviews 24 April 2015 -Closing Date 7 April 2015

INP - Strasbourg, France - La Fondation de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame est chargée de la conservation et de la restauration ainsi que de l’entretien de la Cathédrale de Strasbourg, de la préservation du savoir-faire traditionnel de ses artisans, de la gestion et de l’entretien du patrimoine foncier de la Fondation , et de la participation au développement des recherches et de la diffusion des connaissances sur les cathédrales gothiques.IC - Info - Date limite: 05/04/2015

ICCROM Employment - UK Historic Royal Palaces - The conservator will lead on the delivery of a programme of collection and interiors conservation care and protections, to project manage the contracting of local conservation specialists for the  conservation treatment of objects, and collections management procedures for local control of the collection inventory. We are looking for a proactive and confident individual who is solution- and customer-focussed, with the ability to pragmatically prioritise risk and influence others in safeguarding our buildings and collections. In addition, you will be responsible for hands-on collection care and cleaning, environmental monitoring and analysis, pest control management, condition auditing and exhibition work. Both independently and as a strong team player, you will be motivated to achieve goals by working closely with your colleagues in a reactive environment. This position will be based at Hillsborough Castle; however there may be a requirement to visit our other sites from time to time. Additionally, hours of work may include evenings. A recognised conservation qualification and the ability to work at heights are essential. See more... - Application Deadline 19 April 2015

ICCROM Employment - York, UK - National Railway Museum - Required Skills: You will have experience of collections management and conservation as well as staff management and work planning in a museum, arts or heritage environment. It is essential that you can interact effectively with colleagues across the Museum and the wider Science Museum Group. You will have worked with a diverse collection, understanding the hazards of engineering artefacts. Ideally you will have prior experience and/or demonstrable interest in railway history. See more... - Application deadline 05 April 2015



2015/05 - Pubblicato il 04-17/03/2015


ARCHEOMATICA - Il Comune di Firenze ha pubblicato un avviso per chiamare a raccolta imprese e professionisti per proporre idee e soluzioni basate sulle ICT e sperimentarle gratuitamente all’interno del Museo Novecento. "Il Museo Novecento, aperto il 24 giugno 2014 in piazza Santa Maria Novella, propone già modalità tecnologiche per la visita e gli approfondimenti. Questa vocazione innovativa si rafforza oggi, con il contributo degli specialisti del settore, molti dei quali stanno continuamente sviluppando nuove proposte legate alla cultura e ai musei: avranno ora la possibilità di sperimentarle direttamente nella suggestiva cornice del Museo Novecento, gioiello architettonico riemerso grazie al recupero dell'ex complesso delle Leopoldine. Software innovativi, come ad esempio applicazioni di visita aumentata del Museo del Novecento basate su sensori o su sistemi wearable, o sistemi di interazione anche tattile fra oggetti fisici e reali e contenuti digitali, come le stampe in 3D o gli smart objects: sono solo alcuni esempi di quello che si può testare per promuovere la fruizione avanzata dei beni culturali." Le sperimentazioni saranno a titolo gratuito. Destinatari del presente avviso sono: ogni impresa o professionista che abbia prodotto sistemi o software innovativi per la fruizione avanzata di beni culturali turistico-museali e che sia disposto a proporli in sperimentazione gratuita nell’ambito del presente Avviso.  Si richiede di proporre la sperimentazione di nuove tecnologie come, a titolo di esempio:- applicazioni di visita “aumentata” del Museo basate su sensori o su sistemi wearable;- sistemi di interazione anche tattile fra oggetti fisici e reali e contenuti digitali (come stampe 3D di oggetti digitali, “smart objects”, etc). SCARICA L'AVVISO - Scadenza: non indicata

HERITAGE PORTAL - ICCROM 2016 INTERNSHIPS - If you are a graduate in ... conservation/restoration ..., you may be interested in undertaking an internship at ICCROM. The programme is open to candidates from ICCROM Member States. Internships are undertaken in association with one of the priority areas underway at ICCROM at the time of holding the internship. Applicants must specify the priority area with which they wish to work if accepted. The applicant’s academic background, interests and career plans are taken into consideration as well as the statement justifying the request. ICCROM staff members supervise interns. At the end of the internship, the intern will be asked to make a presentation to all staff on the work undertaken. Candidates are expected to have a good knowledge of one of the two official languages of ICCROM (English and French). ICCROM will host a maximum number of four interns per calendar year, each of the internships lasting normally for a period of two to six months. After acceptance, ICCROM will help interns to obtain the necessary documents to enter and temporarily reside in Italy and to find reasonable accommodation. Interns, however, will be responsible for their own medical insurance which is compulsory.  ICCROM will not be providing financial support for Internships  - See more... - Deadline letter of intent 31 March 2015


2015/04 - Pubblicato il 26/02/2015-02/03/2015

La Fondazione Nicola Trussardi sta cercando restauratori neolaureati per effettuare un tirocinio formativo collaborando alla mostra che realizzeranno a Milano per Expo 2015. Se qualcuno fosse interessato è pregato di contattare la fondazione direttamente all'indirizzo: (Segnalato da prof. Chiantore)
MiBACTGrande Progetto Pompei – Costituzione di un elenco di professionisti qualificati per l’affidamento dei servizi attinenti all’architettura e all’ingegneria di importo inferiore ad euro 100.000,00 - Potranno presentare domanda di inscrizione all’Elenco i soggetti indicati all’articolo 90, co. 1, lett. d), e), f), g) e h) del Codice degli Appalti, e precisamente (tra gli altri): • liberi professionisti singoli o associati nelle forme di cui alla L. 23 novembre 1939, n. 1815 e, ossia secondo la normativa applicabile in vigore, ivi compresi, con riferimento agli interventi inerenti al restauro e alla manutenzione di beni mobili e delle superfici decorate di beni architettonici, i soggetti con la qualifica di restauratore di beni culturali ai sensi della vigente normativa (ex articolo 90, co. 1, lett. d)  - Scadenza 31 agosto 2017
ICCROM Employment - Lugano, SWITZERLAND - Lecturer-researcher in wall painting conservation-restoration - University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) - More info: URL -The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), is offering a position for a Lecturer-researcher in wall painting conservation-restoration at the Conservation-Restoration degree program of the Department of Environment, Construction and Design (DACD), in Canobbio (Lugano). The position is on an annual renewable fix-term basis and requires a part-time commitment of approximately 50-80%  - Application deadline 18 March 2015
ICCROM Employment - Lugano, SWITZERLAND - Assistant in wall painting conservation-restoration - University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) - More info: URL - The University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), is offering a position for an Assistant in wall painting conservation-restoration at the Conservation-Restoration degree program of the Department of Environment, Construction and Design (DACD), in Canobbio (Lugano). The position is on an annual renewable fix-term basis and requires a commitment of approximately 80-100% - Application deadline 18 March 2015
ICCROM Employment - Edinburgh, Scotland UK - Costume Mounting Specialist - National Museums Scotland - More info: URL - Fixed Term for 12 months UKP22,917 – UKP25,667 per annum plus membership of Civil Service pension scheme We are seeking an able practical costume mounting specialist to provide support to the Paper and Textile Conservation Section, working on a range of costume and textiles for National Museums Scotland’s MasterPlan 3 Project. You will be able to demonstrate practical experience of costume mounting in a museum setting, and have a thorough understanding of materials and methods. You will understand pattern cutting, and have a good working knowledge of period shapes. You will have experience of making underpinnings and appreciate the issues of working with historic textiles. You will have an awareness of professional conservation/mounting issues and best practice - Application deadline 6 March 2015


2015/03 - Pubblicato il 16-17/02/2015

ICCROM EMPLOYMENT - USA New York - The Metropolitan Museum of ArtAssistant Associate Conservator-Objects Conservation Department - This position will assume responsibility for the conservation of the complete collection of the Department of Musical Instruments - Application Deadline 28 Feb 2015

ICCROM EMPLOYMENT - United Kingdom, Lincoln Cathedral - Stained GLASS Glazier/Conservator - We are looking for an individual who is able to demonstrate a high and diverse level of professionalism in the practical craft and who has a good understanding of current stained glass conservation/preservation practices - Application Deadline 27 Feb 2015

ICCROM FELLOWSHIP - USA Washington DC - National Gallery of ArtWilliam R. Leisher Memorial Fellowship for Research and Treatment of Modern Paintings - The three-year fellowship commences in September 2015 and includes a $33,000 stipend annually plus compensation each year for travel and research. The fellowship will be devoted to conservation examination, maintenance, and treatments of paintings in the modern and contemporary collection and research on contemporary artists’ materials. The fellow will be expected to produce a publishable paper based on research completed during the fellowship award period - Application Deadline 06 Mar 2015

ICCROM FELLOWSHIP - USA Philadelphia - Philadelphia Museum of ArtAndrew W. Mellon Postgraduate Fellowship in Decorative Arts and Sculpture Conservation - The applicant should be a graduate of a recognized conservation training program or have equivalent experience. The Fellow will examine, conduct research, and perform  treatment on a variety of materials (e.g., stone, metal, ceramic, and polychromed wood) in the Museum collections (European, American, East Asian, South Asian, Modern, and Contemporary Art) and will participate in preservation activities relating to Museum exhibitions and storage - Application Deadline 15 Mar 2015

IIC - Assistant Professor, Painting Conservation - The Art Conservation Program, Faculty of Arts and Science at Queen’s University (Ontario, Canada) invites applications for a three-year non-renewable faculty position at the level of Assistant Professor to begin July 1, 2015, subject to budgetary approval. Candidates will hold a PhD or equivalent. The main criteria for selection is demonstrated academic and teaching excellence. The successful candidate will provide evidence of high quality scholarly output that demonstrates independent research leading to peer assessed publications and the securing of external research funding, as well as outstanding teaching contributions at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and an ongoing commitment to academic and pedagogical excellence in support of the department’s programs. Candidates must also provide evidence of an ability to work in an interdisciplinary, collaborative environment and have experience in conservation practice and involvement in professional associations - Application deadline: 16 Mar 2015



2015/02 - Pubblicato il 23/01-02/02/2015

COMPAGNIA DI SAN PAOLO - Per favorire il restauro, la valorizzazione e la conoscenza del patrimonio artistico religioso in Piemonte e Liguria specificatamente riguardo ai beni mobili, la Compagnia promuove il bando:Tesori Sacri 2015Restauro di beni mobili religiosi in Piemonte e Liguria. Sono ammessi al bando Enti Pubblici, Enti Religliosi, Enti senza fini di lucro in quanto  proprietari del bene oggetto di restauro o, se consentito, in quanto autorizzati con delega dalla proprietà stessa secondo quanto meglio definito nel bando stesso -  Approfondimenti -Il termine di presentazione delle domande è previsto per il giorno 30 aprile 2015 alle ore 13.00 

IIC - Director of the Conservation Department, Munch Museum - Edvard Munch's art is Norway's greatest contribution to the world's art heritage. As custodian of a majority of Munch's works, the Munch Museum has a unique position as purveyor of art and culture in an international context. The Munch Museum is an independent agency of the Municipality of Oslo with responsibility for both the Munch Museum and the Stenersen Museum. The merging of these two museums in a new building in the Oslo harbour area of Bjørvika will strengthen our ability to communicate to a broader public - locally, nationally and internationally. Application deadline: 5 Feb 2015

IICProject Co-ordinator: International Conservation - This is an exciting opportunity to contribute to the overall management of the international conservation programmes for the British Museum’s busy Conservation and Scientific Research (CSR) department. You will provide advice and support to the department on international conservation and resource matters, as well as overseeing the department’s involvement in the Zayed National Museum (ZNM) project and contributing to the Museum’s international reputation. Application deadline: 17 Feb 2015

ICCROM EMPLOYMENTSenior Conservator The J. Paul Getty Trust, United States Job location: Los Angeles More info: URL Description Job Summary: The J. Paul Getty Museum is seeking a Senior Conservator of Antiquities to oversee the Getty Villa’s conservation department, which is responsible for the long-term preservation of one of the largest and finest collections of Greek and Roman antiquities in the United States. The Senior Conservator of Antiquities oversees the safekeeping, proper installation, and conservation of all works in the Getty Villa’s permanent collection. It conducts an active and influential program of treatments and research, including technical and materials analyses, and as a result attracts a broad range of masterworks from around the globe to the Villa’s conservation studios and galleries. The department supports a program of ambitious loan exhibitions through its conservation work and state-of-the-art installation and mount-making procedures. The Senior Conservator represents the institution in the negotiation of joint projects with other institutions and governments while advancing its reputation as a leader on conservation matters internationally. He/she also oversees department staffing, hiring, performance reviews, staff development, and the budget. Continue reading… - Application deadline: not specified.

 ICCROM EMPLOYMENTConservador de Especialidad Marcos (CORNICI) - Museo Nacional del Prado, Spain Job location: Madrid - More info: URL - Description:RESOLUCIÓN de 20 de enero de 2015, de la Dirección del Organismo Público Museo Nacional del Prado, por la que se convoca proceso selectivo para ingreso como personal laboral fijo de la categoría de RESTAURADOR  de Especialidad Marcos (CORNICI), sujeto al Convenio Colectivo del Museo Nacional de Prado - Scadenza bando: 20 giorni dopo la pubblicazione: 09 febbraio 2015 ?

ICCROM EMPLOYMENT - Conservador de Especialidad Pintura - Museo Nacional del Prado, Spain-  job location: Madrid - More info: URL -Description RESOLUCIÓN de 20 de Enero de 2015, de la Dirección del Organismo Público Museo Nacional del Prado, por la que se convoca proceso selectivo para ingreso como personal laboral fijo de la categoría de RESTAURADOR de Especialidad Pintura, sujeto al Convenio Colectivo del Museo Nacional de Prado - Scadenza bando: 20 giorni dopo la pubblicazione: 09 febbraio 2015 ?

ARCHEOMATICA - Bando finanziamento progetti beni culturali, ricerca, sviluppo locale - La Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio della Provincia dell’Aquila ha pubblicato un bando per finanziamento di iniziative nei settori: - Arte, attività e beni culturali; - Sviluppo locale; - Ricerca scientifica e tecnologica. L' importo totale per i finanziamenti è di € 750.000. L’importo massimo per ciascuna richiesta riferita ai Settori rilevanti è di € 16.000 (sedicimila); mentre quello per ciascuna richiesta riferita al Settore ammesso: € 8.000 (ottomila); infine non è ammessa la presentazione di più richieste da parte dello stesso soggetto. Scarica il bando - Scadenza: 02/03/2015



2015/01 - Pubblicato il 09-20/01/2015

COMUNE DI ISOLA D'ASTI (AT) - Su segnalazione della  Soprintendenza dei  Beni Architettonici e  Culturali del Piemonte , richiede un laureato abilitato PFP1 per conferimento di incarico professionale:  recupero di  una porzione di  affresco posato su intonaco e sito nell'atrio dell’edificio comunale sito in Isola d’Asti piazza Merlino n° 1 – 14057 Isola d’Asti. L’intervento, oltre  al ripristino di una  porzione di dipinto crollato, prevede  la messa in sicurezza della restante porzione di affresco. L’Amministrazione Comunale provvederà a richiedere idoneo preventivo per l’esecuzione delle Opere di cui sopra, da concordarsi con la Soprintendenza e con ingegnere tecnico strutturista già Incaricato da questo Ente. Contatti: Ufficio Tecnico Comunale OO.PP. del Comune di Isola d’Asti - VIGLIECCA Geom. Paolo telefono 0141/958134 - fax 0141/958866 -

INP - Associate Professor in Object Conservation/Conservation Science Department of Archaeology, Conservation and History Université d'Oslo - Norvège - Application Deadline: 1 March 2015

INP - Restaurateur(trice) du mobilier archéologique - Musée maritime de Nouvelle-Calédonie Structure associative loi 1901, le Musée maritime de Nouvelle-Calédonie gère et conserve une collection riche de plus de 8000 références issue en grande majorité des épaves de Nouvelle-Calédonie et de Vanikoro (Îles Salomon) où firent naufrage en 1788 les deux vaisseaux de La Pérouse - Scadenza: NON INDICATA (inizio attività 01/04/2015)

IIC - Associate Architectural ConservatorTobit Curteis Associates LLP is a small Cambridge based practice, specialising in architectural conservation, with particular emphasis on the investigation and control of the historic building environment. We work for institutions and private clients in the UK and abroad with clients including York Minster, Westminster Abbey, Canterbury Cathedral, Hampton Court Palace, the National Trust, English Heritage and Heritage Malta. Application deadline: 28 Jan 2015

ICCROM INTERNSHIP - Conservation technician – Monuments crew internship - Citywide Monuments Conservation Program and New York City Parks and Recreation, United States - Location of Internship: New York, NY - Program participants will gain knowledge of the breadth of the public sculpture collection, its history and conservation needs. The interns will carry out conservation and maintenance treatments on public sculptures and monuments under the direction of experienced monuments conservators. Participants will receive training in documentation, condition assessments, material analysis, and report preparation. In addition, interns will learn and perform conservation treatments including repairing, cleaning, and coating metals; bronze patination; masonry repair; mortar analysis, replication, and repointing; and tool and materials training - Interested candidates are encouraged to apply early.

ICCROM INTERNSHIP - Clothworkers’ Foundation Internship in Conservation Science - British Museum, United Kingdom - More info - Description Full time Fixed Term 12 months - This internship offers an exciting opportunity for a graduate or researching a scientific discipline who wishes to develop a career in conservation science in the cultural heritage sector and/or has an interest or experience in the technology and conservation of museum objects. The internship will focus on aspects of the problem of internal pollutants within the museum environment; however, the intern will also gain an understanding of all aspects of the department’s work. Key areas of responsibility - Application deadline: 2 February 2015, Midday.

UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI BOLOGNA - Bando di Concorso per la selezione di un ricercatore a tempo determinato (36 mesi) per il Settore scientifico-disciplinare CHIM/12 - chimica dell'ambiente e dei beni culturali. E' richiesto il titotlo di Dottorato di ricerca o titolo equivalente conseguito in Italia o all’estero. È titolo valido per la partecipazione alla procedura selettiva anche il possesso di Laurea magistrale o titolo equivalente conseguito in Italia o all’Estero, unitamente ad un curriculum scientifico professionale idoneo allo svolgimento di attività di ricerca. L’adeguatezza del curriculum sarà valutata dalla Commissione Giudicatrice. La scadenza è il 9 febbraio 2015.


UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO - Pubblicato il bando per il conferimento di Assegni di Ricerca - Bando - scadenza ore 12.00 del 06/02/2015

MiBACT - AVVISO PUBBLICO: Incarico di collaborazione per la redazione di n. 25 schede di catalogo di beni architettonici ubicati in comuni a rischio calamita’ naturali (lotto a – provincia di Salerno – area del cratere salernitano - scadenza 30 gennaio 2015

MiBACT - AVVISO PUBBLICO: Incarico di collaborazione per la redazione di n. 25 schede di catalogo di beni architettonici ubicati in comuni a rischio calamita’ naturali (lotto b – provincia di Avellino – alta Irpinia - scadenza 30 gennaio 2015

MANITAL e COMPAGNIA SAN PAOLO - Bandi per la valorizzazione del territorio canavesano - Bando Liberalità per il Canavese (tra i settori di intervento: Valorizzazione dei beni culturali e/o ambientali) - Bando e moduli di domanda -  scadenze 31 marzo, 31 luglio, 30 novembre 2015  



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